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Baliuag University Journal Management System

Call For Papers

The University Research Center accepts manuscripts to be published in Harvest, the institutional research publication of Baliuag Univesity (BU). Harvest publishes not only research papers but also creative works that are multi-disciplinary.


  1. Editorial Policy


  1. Review Process

Harvest adopts the double-blind peer review system. In this review, the identity of the author/s is/are concealed from reviewers during the review process. Also, reviewers’ identities will not be revealed to authors unless the reviewer chooses to do so. 


Authors are responsible for concealing their identities in manuscripts that are to receive masked review. 


  1. Plagiarism

  1. Copyright

  1. Publication Fee

A manuscript submitted for consideration should be in Microsoft Word document, approximately 15-20 pages including tables, figures, and references, size 81/2 x 11, 12-point font, Cambria font face, single-spaced.


Parts of Full Paper:


  1. Abstract- contributors should enclose an abstract of not more than 250 words with 3-5 keywords;

  2. Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion (IMRAD)

  1. Introduction - background and significance of the study (RRL may already be discussed as part of the background), research problems, theoretical and conceptual framework, and scope and delimitation 

  2. Methods - research design, participants, sampling, instruments, data gathering procedures and data analysis 

  3. Results - findings of the study 

  4. Discussion - analysis and implications of results, conclusions and recommendations 

  1. References 


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