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Baliuag University Journal Management System

Call for Research Proposals

The University Research Center accepts proposals for internally funded research to be published in Harvest or other peer-reviewed, Scopus journals. This includes papers intended for presentation in local and international conferences to be approved by the University Research Committee for funding.

The following procedures shall be followed in evaluating submitted research proposals to the University Research Center:


  1. Registration of Proposals - Proposals should contain all the information/components indicated in the RESEARCH PROPOSAL FORM (insert forms) then it should be submitted to the CfRP for evaluation of the Research Committee who are members of the University Research Board (URB) and/or the Research Ethics Board (REB).


  1. Eligibility Check and Review - The Center for Research shall conduct an eligibility check and or initial review on all proposals. Proposals should meet the eligibility criteria before the technical evaluation. (insert form Research Proposal Eligibility Guide). If the proposal submitted is found not eligible during the initial review, it shall be returned to the proponent(s). If the proposal does not conform to the format but is meritorious, it shall be likewise returned to the proponent for appropriate revision.  


  1. Management Decision - After the submission of the proposal, it shall be presented to the Management for approval and possible funding. If approved, a Memorandum of Agreement shall be signed with the proponent/s for implementation.


  1. Budget Plan - A budget plan is part of the information that must be prepared for the   proposed   activity.   This   includes   a   detailed   breakdown of   the maintenance   and   operating   expense   (MOOE)   as   well   as   personal services, if required. 

A proposal submitted for consideration should be in Microsoft Word document, approximately 5 pages (including references, tables and figures), size 8.5 x 11, Cambria font face, 12pt font, single-spaced, with the accomplished Research Proposal Form. (insert proposal guide, research proposal form)


Parts of the Proposal:


  1. Abstract - contributors should enclose an abstract of not more than 250 words with 3-5 keywords;

  2. Introduction- includes statement of purpose/objectives and background or justifications of the study;

  3. Methodology - involves procedures or techniques to be followed to provide answers to the research questions raised in the proposal.  A research project plan may be described here;

  4. Instruments of the study or questionnaires;

  5. Budget indicating your projected research expenses subject for liquidation process;

  6. Gantt Chart showing your work plan and anticipated dates of accomplishment; 

  7. APA Style (7th Edition) must be followed as the standard format.


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